Don't Limit Healthcare

Repeal Certificate of Need!

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Dear [Legislator's Name],

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Maine's Certificate of Need (CON) law has long been criticized as a barrier to healthcare innovation and accessibility. This regulation requires healthcare providers to seek permission from the state before they can expand services, acquire major medical equipment, or even build new facilities, often leading to bureaucratic delays and stifling competition. The result is a healthcare market where existing hospitals can maintain monopolistic control, reducing incentives for cost efficiency and quality improvement. Studies have shown that in states with CON laws, healthcare costs are higher, and there are fewer hospital beds per capita, which is particularly detrimental during health crises like the COVID-19 outbreak, where rapid response and capacity expansion are crucial. Repealing Maine's CON law would foster a more competitive environment, driving down costs and increasing the availability of medical services, thus benefiting patients by enhancing access to care and promoting innovation in healthcare delivery.