New England’s Energy Utility Must Return to Their Mission
Tell ISO-NE to Support Affordable and Reliable Energy!
How much should you pay for your neighbors’ bad decisions?
Ever had a neighbor whose bad decisions cost you money? Maybe someone who kept run down cars which had fluid that leaked into your aquifer and forced you to buy bottled water, instead of your well? Perhaps someone with an aggressive dog that made you put up a fence to keep your family safe?
For New Hampshire, our neighbors are making these same types of bad decisions that are going to cost you on your monthly electric bill. It is time to say enough is enough.
The key here is that New England shares an electric utility that ships power across the region, called ISO-New England. All New England states except New Hampshire have adopted “environmental justice” statutes – for example: Massachusetts’ “Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2050” requires added investment in “environmental justice” communities. The utility, to help our neighbors like Massachusetts implement these policies, added a raft of new staff in their budget and paid big bonuses to their existing staff. These new staff and bonuses, though, are going to balloon the cost of ISO-New England’s budget by 21.5%, and that is going to hit Grante Staters right in their electric bills.
Thankfully, New Hampshire officials are fighting this overreach. In a letter from our Public Utility Commission, the Consumer Advocate and the head of the state’s Department of Energy, they point out that meeting our neighbors’ policy goals is not the mandate of ISO-New England, and it was instead a policy choice to cater to the top-down whims of other states, instead of looking out for ratepayers across New Hampshire and New England.
It’s time to call out ISO-New England and tell them to get focused back on their mandate of delivering reliable, affordable electricity to the consumers of the six New England states and to stop social engineering at the expense of ratepayers.
Ever had a neighbor whose bad decisions cost you money? Maybe someone who kept run down cars which had fluid that leaked into your aquifer and forced you to buy bottled water, instead of your well? Perhaps someone with an aggressive dog that made you put up a fence to keep your family safe?
For New Hampshire, our neighbors are making these same types of bad decisions that are going to cost you on your monthly electric bill. It is time to say enough is enough.
The key here is that New England shares an electric utility that ships power across the region, called ISO-New England. All New England states except New Hampshire have adopted “environmental justice” statutes – for example: Massachusetts’ “Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2050” requires added investment in “environmental justice” communities. The utility, to help our neighbors like Massachusetts implement these policies, added a raft of new staff in their budget and paid big bonuses to their existing staff. These new staff and bonuses, though, are going to balloon the cost of ISO-New England’s budget by 21.5%, and that is going to hit Grante Staters right in their electric bills.
Thankfully, New Hampshire officials are fighting this overreach. In a letter from our Public Utility Commission, the Consumer Advocate and the head of the state’s Department of Energy, they point out that meeting our neighbors’ policy goals is not the mandate of ISO-New England, and it was instead a policy choice to cater to the top-down whims of other states, instead of looking out for ratepayers across New Hampshire and New England.
It’s time to call out ISO-New England and tell them to get focused back on their mandate of delivering reliable, affordable electricity to the consumers of the six New England states and to stop social engineering at the expense of ratepayers.