Pennsylvanians like me support reforming the criminal justice system so we can be smart on crime and soft on taxpayers’ wallets. Comprehensive Probation Reform can help our commonwealth improve community supervision by ensuring low-risk probationers aren’t serving longer terms than are necessary, bolstering our workforce and improving recidivism.
Probation reform would provide incentives that reward good behavior under community supervision, allowing probationers to earn time credits towards their supervision period for complying with their assigned conditions, as well as for earning a high school diploma or obtaining a professional certification. Courts would also have expanded review opportunities to terminate community supervision early for individuals who have shown themselves to be lower risk and ready to return to society. Unnecessary revocation of probation for technical violations harms families and communities. By giving courts more flexibility to tailor any necessary sanctions to the individual in question, the taxpayer burden is reduced and the harm of prison to the individual is avoided if it’s not necessary.
An effective criminal justice system protects people and preserves public safety. Reducing supervision and revocation of lower risk inmates is smart policy. Doing so allows Pennsylvania to focus its limited resources where they’re most effectively spent: supporting and monitoring higher-risk, more recently released inmates who are more likely to reoffend without closer supervision. This legislation will help more Pennsylvanians who have earned a second chance get one and keep our communities safer in the process.
Please support and prioritize Comprehensive Probation Reform!