We need to empower parents to make the decisions that best fit the needs of their child. We have seen Education Savings Accounts passed all across the nation, including Florida, West Virginia, Arizona, Iowa, North Carolina and Utah - and now, it's time we do it in Wyoming with HB 166 (https://wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2024/HB0166).
We must take action and expand educational opportunities so Wyoming families have greater choice and flexibility. Every parent deserves the freedom to choose the school that best fits their child's needs, of zip code or income- and HB 166 Education Savings Accounts are the first step to making that happen.
AFP is committed to leading the way in developing transformational policy reforms that encourage children to think deeply, act boldly, and dream big. By passing HB 166 Education Savings Accounts in Wyoming today, we will create a brighter future in Wyoming.
We urge you to please support school choice and pass Educational Savings Accounts!