Truth and Transparency in Property Taxes
Yes on S.B. 169!
Sign your name on the letter to the right and hit send to let your Senator know you want them to support S.B. 169!
Why should you help get S.B. 169 across the finish line?
- Simple & Transparent – Taxes should be clear and understandable. S.B. 169 ensures taxpayers have full visibility into potential property tax increases and the rationale behind them.
- Neutral – Taxation should not distort economic behavior or incentivize lobbying for special carve-outs.
- Impartial – This bill ensures that all taxpayers are treated equitably by providing a clear, standardized process for tax increases rather than allowing selective policies that favor certain groups over others.
- Predictable & Permanent – Predictability is key for businesses and homeowners making financial decisions.
S.B. 169 is a pro-taxpayer, pro-transparency reform that protects South Dakotans from unexpected tax increases and ensures that every property tax hike is subject to public scrutiny.
Use the form to your right to tell your legislators to vote yes on S.B. 169!