The Time is Now

Will you step up to save America and Reignite the American Dream?

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Take the Survey
1. When thinking about how government impacts your life, which issue is most important to you?

2. If the Missouri Republican Presidential Caucuses were held today, who would you support?

3. If the Missouri Republican Primary for Governor were held today, who would you support?

4. If the Missouri Republican Primary for Attorney General were held today, who would you support?

5. If the Missouri Republican Primary for Secretary of State were held today, who would you support?

6. Inflation is impacting many families in our community, how is it personally impacting you and your family?

7. How would you rate the direction of the economy?

8. Do you think America’s best days are behind us or do you believe future generations will still be able to achieve the American Dream?

9. Are you willing to put in the work to Reignite the American Dream?

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